SAM Artist

Caroline Coppey

Caroline Coppey is a French artist born in Strasbourg, she lives and works between Paris and Choisy-le-Roi. Whether her works be a series of paintings, digital films, behavioural installations, shown in a traditional way or in a context (garden, architectural settings, landscapes), painting is the common denominator, claimed from the heritage of artists such as Monet, because of his treatment of colour and his global conception of the artistic process, Viallat and Support-Surface for their deconstruction of painting, or Richard Long and Penone for their questioning on the relationship between art and nature. Since 1998, she has devised a creative process whereby, after isolating each color, she then sets it within an organic progress, reusing this unique shade in an infinite range of actions : Squares, Drops, Samples, Grounds, Rags, Chords, Palettes, Colours, Fabrics, Paintings, and her digital works… all have their source in the same matrix.

As a Sustainable Art Market artist, Caroline refunds 5% of each sale to Jiboïana.

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